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Charging Intention

There is a lot of information out there about how to work with your intention. There are plenty of note-worthy authors and books on the subject. This posting is just to give you an idea on the basics.

When you want to infuse or charge your intention into a candle or object you need to know what your intention is. Are you wanting more joy in your life? Are you looking for abundance? Are you wanting protection or healing? You need to focus on that specific intention.

You can use visualization for your intention. How do you see it, what does it look like, what does it feel like? Focus on it and try to follow it through your mind. Expand on it in your mind like a picture coming into focus. Focus on the colors and feelings. See all of that and project it into your candle, stone, or object. If visualizing is not your method, there are other ways to incorporate intention.

For some intention can come out in a song, feeling, memory, or idea. If you feel overcome with joy singing a certain song - use that to help infuse your intention of joy. Singing to your candle, stone, or object and letting the emotions and vibrations of song flow through you. Soaking into the air around you and the object you are working with.

Sometimes we are deeply connected to a memory that moves us. It feels as though it will fuel our entire being. Feel it!

You can also ask nature to assist your intention. Plant allies can assist in infusing your intention and nature into an object. Taking a moment to meditate and decide how to proceed is always beneficial. It permits you to quiet your mind and heart - so you can know how to move forward.

Letting the energy flow:

Close your eyes and rub your hands together. Do you feel the warmth? Slowly pull them apart and feel the warmth and energy between them. Hold the object you want to infuse into your charged hands.

Now, focus on your intention and the energy passing through you. Share that intention into the object. Sing your song, visualize, feel every memory or thought - and pass it into the object. Charging and fueling the object with intention.

That's it!

It may sound very simple, but it can take practice. Daily disruptions can shift your energy and thoughts. That is ok. Just re-center and try again. Every time you try you are progressing and moving forward. That is what matters most!

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